Direktlänk till inlägg 20 januari 2009

Keeping one's composure

Av Judie - 20 januari 2009 21:01

I try to remind myself that life will inadvertently teach you the lessons you need to learn until you actually learn them.

So I try to practice equanimity (much easier on the mat than off), that is the ability to keep it together under pressure. But the underlying questions remain: How much do I swallow? When can I lose it? Can I lose it without actually losing it and still get my point across?

I get some decent practice with my husband. Because when I lose it with my kids, it's usually my bad. Sure, I believe in creating a structured home enviroment with clear boundaries, but I still have to be the mature onewhen the sh** hits the fan, considering the fact that they are, as I mentioned, kids.

But with my husband, we're supposed to be on the same level, yet some things just cannot be discussed. It's like return to the stone age. So tonight we're just going to keep quiet - after all not all battles are worth fighting, especially when they're about the stupidest things.

And for once I am OK with that. Does that mean I'm making progress???


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